Hi, I am applying to Voodoo Pinwheel. I have a 70 frost mage & a 70 resto druid. I like playing my mage as my main, but do not mind playing the druid either. First my mage:
Character Name & Level: Turannis 70
Race: Undead
Class: Mage
Days Played: 46
Alts: Heru
Attunements / Keys (Limit to Burning Crusade include heroic keys.): Revered everywhere
How many and what nights a week can you raid? 2 or more, many at present.
What nights can you not raid? Friday and Saturday are iffy.
Raiding Experience: Killed Gruul, cleared Karazhan.
Previous Guilds: Rage then Erus.
Current Talent Spec & Why: Frost, for mana and grinding.
Are you willing to respec? Yes
Why do you want to join our guild? I'd like to explore the game beyond Gruul, and you guys seem to be on the cusp of doing this.
Character Name & Level: Heru
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Days Played: 32
Attunements / Keys (Limit to Burning Crusade include heroic keys.): Revered most everywhere.
How many and what nights a week can you raid?
What nights can you not raid?
Raiding Experience:
Previous Guilds:
Current Talent Spec & Why: Restoration, I like healing in raids and pvp.
Are you willing to respec? Yes.