Before my application is posted I would like to make something clear. My Rogue is currently 56, but I have not really been focusing on leveling it. I know that, as 56, I would not meet the requirements for Voodoo Pinwheel, but I hope that I can by the time 70 rolls around. (I have a 70 Ally on Uldaman and know what Rogue gear to get, and from where.) I am not looking to join Voodoo Pinwheel for free epics for my Rogue, but I am looking to 'switch' sides, per se. I want to raid on Horde side. I hope this clears some stuff up.
Character Name & Level: Finz, 56
Race: Orc
Class: Rogue
Days Played: 150+ with all characters combined.
Alts: None.
Attunements / Keys (Limit to Burning Crusade include heroic keys.): None.
How many and what nights a week can you raid? All nights.
What nights can you not raid? None.
Raiding Experience: Full Kara, Gruul's, Magtheridon, Void Reaver, The Lurker Below.
Previous Guilds: Windward.
Current Talent Spec & Why: At 70, I will be going Mutilate. This is a very decent DPS build, and I am sure I can gear for it with quick ease.
Are you willing to respec? Every waking moment for the guild.
Why do you want to join our guild? I want to join Voodoo Pinwheel because you guys never start drama. I read the forums and all these other guilds are always drama whores with each other. Also, I have a lot of Horde friends and they talk good about VP.